Last updated on October 24th, 2022 at 04:44 pm
Songs are a fine and, most of all, fun way to teach children about important issues. Joyful melodies combined with simple messages seem so easy to remember. A catchy tune delivers a message significantly more robust than any of us keyboard slamming eco-warriors. So forget my writing, turn up the volume, dance with the kids, and have fun while teaching them sustainability essence. Here are my favorite children’s songs about recycling.
The 3 R’s – Jack Johnson
This is the song that’s got me started on this post: The 3 R’s by Jack Johnson. A garbage company played it while I was waiting for them to forward my phone call. It put a smile on my face immediately, and I’m sure children pick up the echoing lyrics fast: reduce, reuse, recycle!
If you prefer an animated version, you might like this one. Jasmine Soliano created it with stock images. And if you love them both, you can alternate between them.
How to recycle – Lingokids
Lingokids has a cute animated clip with their song How to recycle. Sweet looking animals in bright colors teach kids how to use the different recycle bins. This one also mentions the compost bin.
Earth Day – The Kiboomers
Another beautifully animated video is accompanying the song Earth Day by The Kiboomers. They teach the importance of knowing what to bin where: paper goes with paper, glass with glass, plastic with plastic, and tin with tin.
Earth Day Song – Numberock
This song is more suitable for slightly older kids. It’s a fun, electric dance song, making it sound more like a traditional pop song. It’s packed with tips and ideas for an eco-friendly lifestyle. And, of course, the three r’s aren’t missing here either.
Happy singing and dancing!
There will be no more dull sustainability lessons with these songs about recycling. From now on, you’ll be singing and dancing all the way to the recycling bin. Fair warning: you might have quite the earworm from one of these catchy tunes 😉

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